August 17,2024
The third quarter meeting was hosted by the Andrew Tucker Family at their farm near Brazil, Indiana. The meeting was called to order by President Don Villwock. Don asked those in attendance to do introductions. There were twenty seven members, family and guests in attendance.
The minutes of the second quarter meeting were read and approved as read by secretary Pat Schlegel.
Don gave the Membership Secretary report on behalf of Neil Rissler in his absence.
Randy Barrett gave a report for the scholarship committee.
Old Business:
Don passed out copies of the current proposed change in the by-laws. The proposal will be voted upon at the fourth quarter meeting in October at the Sottong plow day. Don explained to the membership that the by-laws committee had not yet met to review the entire by-laws to see what additional articles might need to be revised.
State Shows: Don presented a proposal from the Hendricks County Antique Tractor and Machinery Association to host the Chapter 7 state show for 2025. The Hendricks County show is during the Hendricks County Fair, July 13-19, 2025. Our members could display during the entire time of the fair but would not be obligated to do so. Questions were asked about camping and if their show included displays such as thrashing and a saw mill. Don did not have the answer for those questions at that time. But would look into these items for the members.
Don also reported that Tri State Gas Engine And Tractor Association Inc, would like to host our State show for 2026. The date would be August 19-22, 2026.
The State Show for 2027 is already set for Brookville, Indiana. Hosted by the Franklin County Antique Machinery Club.
Those in attendance agreed to pursue Hendricks County upon approval from the fair board, and Portland was approved for 2026.
New Business:
Don presented a proposal made by Neil Rissler of creating an online membership card. Rather than mailing out the printed membership cards as has been done in the past. Don further explained that cards would be sent out to members that do not have email. Those in attendance approved the proposal.
David Sottong gave an update on preparations for the plow day at the Sottong Farm, 1749 S. 900 W. , Kempton, Indiana 46049 on October 12 or rain date of October 19, 2024. The fourth quarter meeting will be held on that date.
Don had with him a list of tractors that are available for purchase from the John Yoars Estate. Don said that the list will be added to the next newsletter.
Our host Andrew Tucker explained that after completing harvest he has a corn picker day, to get the pickers out and play. No date is set until after harvest is completed. But he would get the word out as soon as harvest is completed for anyone that might want to attend.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted
Pat Schlegel, Secretary
We currently have 210 active members. The breakdown on active members are as follows:
151 Renewed
15 Inactive members that have been reinstated from previous years that had let membership lapse
10 New members
20 Active members that have not renewed and will need to before October 1 or become inactive!!!
The members of IHC Chapter 7 would like to welcome our new members! Glad you've joined!
John Bashaw Lafayette, IN
Jeremiah Rissler Brazil, IN
Daylan Fisher Spiceland, IN
Jonah Rissler Brazil, IN
John W Moore Muncie, IN
Rick Schmeltz Jr. Osgood, IN
Gerald Phares Indianapolis, IN
Rick Schmeltz Sr. Osgood, IN
Brett Rissler Brazil, IN
Chris Zahrt Winimac, IN
The members of Chapter 7 would like to express our deepest sympathies to the family of Don Tempest, of North Vernon, a member of our chapter since 2007.
Neil Rissler, Membership Chairman
Copyright © 2024 International Harvester Collectors of Indiana Chapter 7 - All Rights Reserved.
Updated 10.06.2024