WELCOME TO INDIANA IHC CHAPTER 7 1st Qtr Meeting is March 2- See Calendar for details

WELCOME TO INDIANA IHC CHAPTER 7 1st Qtr Meeting is March 2- See Calendar for details
Harvest is all but over for corn and soybeans in Indiana, as I write this update. From all I heard, it was a mixed bag of yields. Our corn yield was down some from recent years and our beans were down 10 bushels from average. It turned off dry in August and September, which really hurt the beans. We had no recorded rain in SW Indiana and in much of Indiana during October, except for on Halloween. That made for a speedy harvest, but a constant watch out for combine and field fires.
The excellent harvest weather allowed Chapter 7 members to attend a “Plow Day” and 4thquarter meeting at David Sottong’s farm in Tipton County on October 12th. We had a great turn out of members, and many brought their tractors and plows. Tipton County has some of the finest soil in the Midwest and it was great to see this rich, black dirt being turned over by our RED IH tractors and plows.
David Sottong has a very nice collection of IH tractors and implements, including a cotton picker and multiple mounted corn pickers and picker/shellers. We all got to see him picking some corn which was brought back to a stationary Minneapolis Moline sheller which ran through with amazing ease.
We took a break for a delicious carry-in lunch and a short business meeting. Everyone there gave the Sottong family a big applause and heart felt thank you for inviting us to their farm and hosting this special event. One of our most important agenda items was the presentation of our 2024 scholarship winners. Randy Barrett our scholarship chairman, presented our two recipients, Caden Carpenter and Emma Clouser our two $1000 scholarships. Randy reminded our members that these scholarships are made possible from the sale of items from our Chapter 7 table. Thanks to all who work at that table during the year. A motion was passed to continue offering two $1000 dollar scholarships next year.
Other new business was the announcement of the 2025 Chapter 7 State IH Show that will be held in conjunction with the Hendricks County Tractor and Machinery Show. It will be in Danville Indiana at the 4-H Fairgrounds, on July 17th, 18th and 19th. The 2026 Chapter 7 State Show will be in conjunction with the Tri-State Gas Engine and Tractor Association Show in Portland Indiana, on August 20th, 21st and 22nd. The 2027 State Show will be near Brookville at the Franklin County Antique Machinery Show on the 24th, 25th and 26th of September. We also look forward to the 2025 Red Power Roundup in Sedalia, Missouri next June and the Half Century of Progress Show in August.
The meeting was adjourned with the notice that the first quarter meeting will be announced in the coming months.
Don Villwock
Chapter 7 President
J. Brent Studebaker of South Whitley, IN has been awarded one of the $1,000 scholarship
for 2021. Brent is attending Purdue University, West Lafayette with a major in Agricultural Systems Management. During his high school career Brent participated in Whitko FFA and served as president, 4-H Club, National Honor Society and many community farm activities.
Zoey McCormick of Carlisle, IN has been awarded the second $1,000 scholarship for 2021. Zoey is attending Purdue University, West Lafayette with a major Veterinary Nursing. During high school Zoey participated in 4-H, Student Council, and National Honor Society.
Just a reminder that your dues to be paid yearly by July 1st of each year. National by-laws state that "if a member does not pay his dues by October 1st, that member will be removed from the active membership and placed on the inactive list.”
Note that Dues increased in 2023.
Please sent $10.00 for State and $20.00 for National
(TOTAL: $30.00) to:
Neil Rissler, Membership Secretary
7004 W. CR. 675 S.
Reelsville, IN 46171-8982
Just reminder to our members: Check and make sure your address is correct, because there will be NO MORE forwarding of returned HARVESTER HIGHLIGHTS.
For information about the National International Harvester Collectors Club visit: www.nationalihcollectors.com