Welcome to International Harvester Collectors of Indiana Chapter 7
Since 1993
Since 1993
Ever wish the world would slow down a little? Seems like years fly by like months, months like weeks and weeks like days. My dad told me time passes by faster as you get older, but I didn’t believe him. Once again, many of the things he told me have come to pass.
This spring and summer were no exception to a speedy calendar. Seems we were/are constantly on the go to meetings, grandkid events and luckily to a few tractor shows. Joyce and I even got in a bucket list river cruise on the Danube. I need to retire from retirement!
My favorite show of course was Red Power Roundup in Spencer, Iowa. We arrived at the show site on Thursday morning and left on Friday before the devastating rain event that night. Wow, what an amazing show, and our hats off to Chapter 5 and to all that brought red tractors, machinery, trucks, vendors and IH memorabilia. I think it was one of the best RPRUs ever. But my heart also goes out to all that worked so hard for so long, only to have Saturday cancelled due to flooding. We were told that the area had had 18 inches of rain in June before the 8+ inch plus rain Friday night. The rivers and streams were already bank full and many fields in the area were late planted, not planted or had massive wet holes scattered everywhere, before the storm. Most importantly, our prayers go out to the family and friends of the IH member who lost his life in the flood waters.
Chapter 7 had a great state IH tractor show hosted by S.E. Indiana F.A.R.M. Antique Machinery Club at Osgood, on June 27 to 29th. Our thanks to the Club and to former Chapter 7 president, Chuck Heck for the excellent hospitality they extended to Chapter 7. We had over 100 tractors and Cub Cadets on display there. This event was also our 2nd qtr. meeting attended by 40+ members and guests. Always a highlight was the presentation of two scholarships, funded by our chapter table to college students Macy Tucker and Jacob Misiniec. We continue to look for hosts for our 2025 and 2026 state show and hope to have some options to present at our next meeting. David Sottong announced he plans to host a plow day on October 12 with a rain date of October 19th at 1749 S 900 W, Kempton, Indiana 46049.
I hope to see you at our summer meeting on AUGUST 17th at Andrew Tucker’s Farm. His address is 1575 W CR 200 N, Brazil, Indiana 47834. Andrew’s shop is about 2 miles south of the Brazil exit on I-70. The event will be 10:00 -3:00, with a directors meeting at 11:00 and a carry in lunch at noon (meat, bread and drinks provided). Our short meeting will be at 1:00. Andrew and his family have a great collection, and we thank them for hosting.
Wishing you all a healthy and safe summer and fall.
Don Villwock
J. Brent Studebaker of South Whitley, IN has been awarded one of the $1,000 scholarship
for 2021. Brent is attending Purdue University, West Lafayette with a major in Agricultural Systems Management. During his high school career Brent participated in Whitko FFA and served as president, 4-H Club, National Honor Society and many community farm activities.
Zoey McCormick of Carlisle, IN has been awarded the second $1,000 scholarship for 2021. Zoey is attending Purdue University, West Lafayette with a major Veterinary Nursing. During high school Zoey participated in 4-H, Student Council, and National Honor Society.
Just a reminder that your dues to be paid yearly by July 1st of each year. National by-laws state that "if a member does not pay his dues by October 1st, that member will be removed from the active membership and placed on the inactive list.”
Note that Dues increased in 2023.
Please sent $10.00 for State and $20.00 for National
(TOTAL: $30.00) to:
Neil Rissler, Membership Secretary
7004 W. CR. 675 S.
Reelsville, IN 46171-8982
Just reminder to our members: Check and make sure your address is correct, because there will be NO MORE forwarding of returned HARVESTER HIGHLIGHTS.
For information about the National International Harvester Collectors Club visit: www.nationalihcollectors.com
Copyright © 2024 International Harvester Collectors of Indiana Chapter 7 - All Rights Reserved.
Updated 08.22.24